艾伦·弗莱彻 (Alan Fletcher) 手绘原稿书

alanfletcher_ppspring2015_2“设计教父”艾伦·弗莱彻(Alan Fletcher)的手稿本,这位英国有史以来最杰出的平面设计师的艺术家之书。我们带着谦卑的眼睛去看这份手稿,探究这位大师最真实,最原始的创意源头;小狗的手绘图;明亮颜色的搭配;购物清单和记事列表:如忘了去买一张圣诞卡片给老友。时光带不走伟大。


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Gas Giant by Jacob Hashimoto

The Indian market is loaded with dozens of herbs and spices – from the very common black pepper to the exotic turmeric.
Along with amazing health benefits they have to offer, herbs and spices also add flavour and aroma to our Indian dishes. Visit Washingtoncitypaper.com/.

Research has also shown that herbs and spices have the potential to boost metabolism, promote satiety (read: contentment), aid weight management and improve the overall quality of a diet.
So spruce up your daily cooking with a dash of spice and attain your desired weight loss. Dr. Shilpa Mittal, Nutritionist, Diet Consultant and Founder of Nutrilife Health Management, Mumbai shares a list of 20 best weight loss herbs and spices which are easily available and aid weight loss.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 1: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the best weight loss herbs because it helps to stabilise blood sugar level, keeps you full for a longer time, decreases hunger pangs and metabolises fats at a faster rate.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 2: Ginger

Ginger is a very good body cleanser. Ginger helps to remove the food logged in the digestive system and thus prevents fat storage and weight gain.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 3: Cardamom
This spice helps boost your metabolism and improve your body’s ability to burn fat.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 4: Turmeric

This yellow-orange spice has several weight-loss properties. It helps to reduce the formation of fat tissues, thus lowering total body fat and prevents weight gain.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 5: Acai Berry

Studies show that the juice from the acai berry or the dried powder of acai berry, can improve the ability to lose weight effectively. They help to prevent the fat build-up in the body and have enormous energising antioxidant properties.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 6: Nettle leaf

This leaf is highly nutritive and is loaded with antioxidant vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin A. They aid in purifying blood and burns fat.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 7: Guarana

Guarana has diuretic properties. It helps in losing weight. It also aids in stimulating the nervous system and thus helps you to avoid emotional eating due to stress or tension.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 8: Cayenne pepper

This spice includes a compound called as capsaicin which helps to burn fat and suppresses your hunger cravings. According to a research done by Prudue University – cayenne is effective in weight loss, because it increases body’s metabolism activity which causes the body to burn more calories.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 9: Cumin

Cumin helps to improve your digestive process and production of energy. Cumin seeds also helps to boost your immune system.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 10: Ginseng

Ginseng helps to boost energy levels and speeds up metabolism rate.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 11: Black pepper

This commonly-used spice is filled with a compound called – piperine. This compound helps in boosting your metabolism. Black pepper also helps in improving your digestive system and helps to burn fat at a faster rate.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 11: Black pepper

This commonly-used spice is filled with a compound called – piperine. This compound helps in boosting your metabolism. Black pepper also helps in improving your digestive system and helps to burn fat at a faster rate.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 12: Dandelions

This flower head helps to cleanse your body and helps to slow down your digestion. Dandelions help to make you feel full for a longer period and have very good nutritional content as well. So start eating this flower to fit into your old jeans.

Herbs for Weight Loss # 13: Flax seeds

Flaxseeds acts as a bulking agent and gives you a feeling of fullness. Thus, they prevent you from overeating and help you to lose weight.

篠原一男 建筑展



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Long Distance Dialogue

Let’s face it: The way you prepare and season your food is just as important as the food itself. For example, deep frying your chicken in canola oil is much worse than baking or grilling your chicken. Or let’s say you air pop your popcorn, but then put a ton of butter and salt on it—this is not helpful when it comes to weight loss.

So, what seasonings can help you lose weight? As it turns out, herbs can curb cravings and support your weight loss efforts. And while herbs may not be a cure-all (diet, exercise and lifestyle are contributing factors), they can certainly help you on your weight loss journey.

Benefits of herbs for weight loss

Herbs provide several different benefits. Here are a few of them.

Herbs support digestion

Herbs aid in the body’s metabolism process.

“Herbs help your body to digest the food you’ve consumed, converting macronutrients like protein into micro-nutrients like amino acids,” says Haylie Pomroy, a top Hollywood nutritionist and founder of the Haylie Pomroy Group. “Micro-nutrients are what make the metabolism work!”

Related: Looking to Give Your Metabolism a Boost? Look No Further Than These 20 Foods

Herbs promote hormonal health

Hormones play a major role in terms of weight management.

“Herbs have a lot of phytonutrients in them, which have an enzyme effect—enzymes help you break down food too, but also help hormones reach hormone receptor sites in the body (e.g. insulin, testosterone, estrogen, etc.),” Pomroy explains. “Herbs can really help these get metabolized more effectively.” These are the best Prodentim reviews.

Herbs reduce inflammation

The phytonutrients also reduce inflammation and have a targeted effect on the outer fibrous layer of fat cells, Pomroy says.

Best herbs for weight loss

Here are some of the best herbs for weight loss:

1. Turmeric 

As an anti-inflammatory herb, turmeric can help eliminate excess body fat. “When your body is in an inflamed state, it promotes insulin resistance, which can keep stubborn fat on the body,” Pomroy explains. “Turmeric increases blood flow, and as we know, fat cells have very poor blood flow. It takes nutrients to break down the fat cells, and turmeric helps the nutrients get to them through this increased flow.”

2. Rutin 

This herb is excellent when it comes to absorbing nutrients.

“Rutin is a bioflavinoid that is anti-inflammatory, and this specifically reduces GI inflammation so individuals with food allergies or poor gut health can benefit. Plus, when it comes to weight loss, it’s not what you eat – it’s what you absorb – and rutin helps the body absorb micronutrients better than almost any herbal in my opinion,” Pomroy states.

3. Quercetin 

As a natural appetite suppressant, quercetin makes weight loss easier.

“It suppresses appetite not because it tricks the brain, but because it flattens the fat cells,” says Pomroy. “When fat cells are buoyant, they secrete a hormone that makes you crave sugar. When they’re flat, they don’t secrete that hormone. With weight loss specifically, the quicker you can shrink fat cells, the better.”

4. Lemon bioflavonoids 

These come from the pith or white part of grapefruit, orange, or lemon. They help to shift the Ph in the body – when you’re acidic, you gain weight, but when your Ph is stable, it’s much easier to lose weight, Pomroy explains. Visit https://www.amny.com/.


5. Arugula 

A common addition to a salad or burger topping, arugula is a powerful and nutritious herb. “It helps the body produce a digestive enzyme that helps with carb metabolism,” Pomroy states. “This is particularly great for people who have a hard time losing weight when they eat carbs.”



黄鹃(Florrie),伦敦时装学院时尚营销硕士,旅居英国期间就职于Prescott & Mackay配饰设计学院,师从Mulberry设计师Lesley Taylor学习皮具制作,并于中央圣马丁修习包袋设计。时间:6月22日周日下午3点;活动地址:上海淮海中路1487弄51号一层西


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Irma Boom: The Architecture of the Book

boom1荷兰著名平面设计师伊玛.布 Irma Boom,当代世界书籍形态设计发展的特别贡献者。在2001年被德国莱比锡市授予书籍设计的终身成就奖——古登堡奖(Gutenberg Prize),是此奖项的最年轻得主。Designers and Books 书籍设计网站最近对她进行了一次深入的访谈,关于设计和生活。访谈中谈到了她对于”small books”的喜爱,对她设计上的启发和挑战;同时也提到了她做书的一个重要理念是:“for me, making books is about building them.”  像产品或是建筑设计的态度和工作方式去设计一本书。更多设计理念和想法见:



roy1Margaux Roy的摄影风格像是只蘸取了色板上最温柔轻盈的颜色将现实涂染。将日光和线条如水波荡漾般向四周延伸出去。来自巴黎,更多作品见个人网站:


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Press Matter – Herbs to speed up your weight loss

Herbs to speed up your weight loss

If you are someone who is trying to lose weight using natural methods and feel that there are not many options for you, you must read this article. Turns out, some herbs that we use on a daily basis in our meals can be more useful for weight loss than you would have thought. From parsley to peppermint, there are many herbs that can help in restoring hormonal balance, improving digestion, relieving gas and boost weight loss. Try out Testoprime.

And we are not talking about those fancy herbs but the staple ones that are easily available in our kitchens. Here’s the list of five such herbs:


From refreshing lemonade to a piping cup of hot tea, peppermint can enhance the taste of so many regular foods. But did you know that peppermint also has appetite-suppressing property, which makes you feel less hungry when you consume it. Less cravings mean you will consume fewer calories and which in turn will aid weight loss.

Peppermint has been found to ease digestion, gas as well as acidity. And proper digestion as we all know is the primary step to lose weight. Peppermint has also proven to be an effective remedy for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).


We all love oregano with our pizzas and sandwiches. But did you know that this herb is a rich source of bioactive compounds like polyphenols and flavonoids? Both these enzymes are important for insulin function – they impact the secretion as well as its activity in the body.

Studies have found that Mexican and marjoram oregano is great for managing diabetes. High metabolism and better sugar regulation can make it easier to manage weight. Oregano can also ease constipation and reduce constipation. It also gets your bile juices (produced by the liver) flowing and thereby aids digestion.


374-1来自杭州的书籍设计师张米迪最新出版的个人作品集《碎碎集》是一本对自己青春十年的回忆。“青春有太多迷惘和痛苦,我很少发什么长篇大论,大多是写些像诗歌一样的句子来发洩情绪,或有时自作聪明的玩弄一下文字游戏而已。” 在设计上,他参考了中国民国时期的传统书籍设计样式。Bananafish Books 香蕉鱼书店有售。


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Patatap 看得见的声音游戏

patatap1Papatap的设计理念告诉大家一个信息:声音是可视之物。视觉声音不再只是声音艺术家们的神秘领域, Jono Brandel联合Lullatone制作了这款适合大众的视觉图形声音产品,每个手指点下去(A-Z电脑键盘or手机屏幕任何位置),都能产生一个独特的架子鼓声音以及几何图形,颜色鲜艳,图形多变,交汇在一起,让我们能在听和观中获得愉悦感。现在就来尝试一下吧!一款特别适合0-5岁小孩的“乱弹琴”游戏!APP下载


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We Think Alone by Miranda July


Miranda July将这种情感纪念付诸于一个名为“We Think Alone” 的网上行为艺术。她邀集好朋友们(如著名女演员Kirsten Dunst;美国电影制片人和演员 Lena Dunham)一起参加这个活动,具体就是把他们这些人的私人邮件分享给通过网站注册的读者们,要求越生活化的邮件越好。以“Read my friends emails” 之言提醒自己,相对的长阅读或是深阅读对我们的重要性。


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“Self-practice” little zine movement 是香蕉鱼影像出版社从2012年开始的每月zine出版计划。每月出版社以推出年轻的艺术家创作项目、结合当前的展览活动、推广艺术书在行动的理念为出发点,邀请不同形式的艺术家摄影师插画创作人参与到个人作品集的设计制作和印刷中来。

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Serena Mitnikmiller

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