Flying Picture by Daniel Gordon

来自美国波士顿摄影师Daniel Gordon历时五年的摄影项目“Flying Pictures”。飞翔对于个人来说看上去是无法做到的事情,但通过摄影,使其成为了可能。捕捉那飞起来的瞬间,Daniel Gordon试图想说,“飞”其实是“存在”的,带着希望一跃而起,随后重重地摔在地上,悲剧般地结束。


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Ren Rox

Ren Rox,伦敦摄影师,作品以人像、时尚摄影为主。


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Li Hui

Li Hui 的作品情感细腻、朦胧感性,在自己的世界里自得其乐,平凡的景象在她看来都具有梦幻般的美感。


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Allison Davies: Outerland

摄影师 Allison Davies 眼中奇异的自然


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Josef Schulz

Josef Schulz,德国的摄影师。一起来欣赏他镜头下的建筑景观之美。 via


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Where are we going–K1973网站更新

k1973刚刚更新了他的个人网站,simple style邀请他对这次的旅行简单地做了一个小采访:


simple style: 刚更新的这组照片取名为Where are we going,能否告诉我们你们俩都去了哪里了呢?什么时候开始的?

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Jasper James

摄影师Jasper James的“People and Places (人与景观)”系列作品,这几张通过人与城市的“大小反差”,二次曝光,巧妙将两者影像结合,创作出意义非凡的作品。

引用Jasper James对此系列作品创作初衷的回答。 via: 假杂志



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New York City Ballerina Project – Dane Shitagi

摄影师Dane Shitagi的芭蕾舞摄影项目“New York City Ballerina Project”,离开舞台,以城市、自然环境作为创作背景,在平凡场景中体现舞蹈者艺术之美,记录舞者现实生活。

图片很多,大家可以通过下面网址看到一部分,有兴趣的朋友还可以通过摄影项目的Facebook页面了解更多。 via


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Egill Bjarki

Egill Bjarki,1983年生于冰岛。



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Jan Otto Schreiber

Somewhere between the shores”是摄影师 Jan Otto Schreiber去年于澳大利亚持续2个月的海滨旅游摄影系列作品。

Jan Otto Schreiber,1982年生于德国汉堡,现往返于汉堡与悉尼之间拍摄与生活着,他更专业的身份为一名全职广告摄影师。作品见:


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Emil Kozak

Fffiliate marketing for small businesses

Small businesses often work on a tight margin, with limited internal staff. Sometimes there is no dedicated marketing team promoting your business yet.

affiliate marketing for small businesses

As one of the main ingredients to achieving success, this seems like the perfect Catch 22 – businesses need to advertise and market their products to grow. Yet as a small business, the funds are often not available to justify a marketing department.

Luckily there is a solution to this, and it is called affiliate marketing. Here, we’ll explore why affiliate marketing is such a beneficial method for small businesses in particular.

Why affiliate marketing is perfect for small businesses

Although businesses of all sizes can, and do, use affiliate marketing as part of their promotional toolbox, it can play a particularly valuable role for small businesses. As a form of outsourced marketing, it allows brands to tap into a wealth of marketing experience within their niche without wasting unnecessary resources. This is because it is a performance-based method, which means business only pays for results rather than for direct advertising. The partners advertisers work with (known as publishers or affiliates), drive traffic to the affiliate offer but only receive a commission if a purchase is made.

How to start affiliate marketing

The easiest way to get started is through a reputable affiliate network like Awin who can provide a multitude of help, support, and advice, removing stress for small businesses venturing into this landscape for the first time. The network will help set up the affiliate program and will expose it to their registered publishers. They also ensure all the publishers who sign up to the affiliate program are assigned a unique tracking code, enabling accurate payments and tracking. Get the best results by working with professionals.

Without a network, businesses looking to enter the affiliate channel will have to set up the program manually and seek the publishers directly, which is time consuming. It is also more challenging to find quality publishers on your own as the network ensures they all go through an approval process before being accepted.

How can affiliate marketing help small businesses

benefits affiliate marketing offers small businesses

In addition to providing an outsourced marketing strategy for small businesses, affiliate marketing offers many more benefits as well.

1. Provides social proof

Now more than ever, online customers rely on social proof before making buying decisions. Research shows that online reviews play a significant part in the process, with nearly 95% of shoppers reading reviews before making their final decision to buy. Publishers who have built a rapport with an engaged audience are trusted by them. Therefore when they give a review of an affiliate product, this provides credible social proof for the product and the brand.

2. Offers a high ROI

Compared to Google Ads, the cost per sale and return on investment for affiliate marketing is very attractive. Depending on the industry, a sale through Google Ads can cost as much as 20x more than the same sale through affiliate marketing. The affiliate marketing ROI is significantly higher, based on the strategy of only paying commissions for sales rather than paying for traffic as is generally the practice with Google Ads or other forms of marketing.

3. Expands your audience

Each publisher the advertiser works with already has an established audience. Affiliate marketing allows the advertiser to tap into this otherwise undiscovered audience and expand their own accordingly. These new audiences may have been difficult to reach with other forms of advertising, but the range of publishers advertisers can work with helps to increase the overall reach. These new audiences then become an established part of the brands’ lead base.

4. Builds brand awareness

What business doesn’t want their brand to be known by as many people as possible, and become easily recognized? As publishers drive more traffic to the business it increases the reach and overall awareness of the brand. This allows the business to become more recognizable and helps build trust and acceptance in the mind of the consumer.

5. Cost-effective

As a performance-based outsourced marketing method, businesses only pay for the sales generated by each publisher. This ensures there is no wasted budget on advertising methods that may not be effective. Businesses set up the commission rates in advance, providing complete knowledge of how much each sale will cost them. Some affiliate programs are set up to pay for leads or other actions, but the norm is to pay per sale. With other forms of advertising, it can be difficult to quantify how cost-effective the price of a sale is, but with affiliate marketing for small businesses, it is clear cut.

6. Creates partnerships with experienced salespeople

Small businesses may not be able to afford a dedicated internal department to run their marketing. Affiliate marketing for small businesses means being able to tap into a wealth of skills and knowledge through the range of publishers they work with. This can open up a variety of different specialties, providing the advertiser with the opportunity to work with some of the best in the business. To employ such a skilled workforce would be out of reach for many small businesses. With affiliate marketing, every business can access a pool of qualified and experienced publishers.

7. Allows for data tracking

Knowing how a business is performing helps a brand to make improvements on how it operates in the future. Affiliate marketing tracking provides significant and important insights into where customers come from, why they are buying, and more, through the rich collection of data. This is all easily available to the business through affiliate tracking. This data can help businesses make important changes to their websites to improve conversions or offer better creatives, as well as allowing them to work more productively with the highest-performing publishers.

8. Boosts SEO

Every publisher promoting a business links back to the brand website to drive traffic to the offer. These inbound links are beneficial to search engine optimization and help to improve the organic rankings of the website. If your publishers have a high ranking and produce quality content that offers value while linking to your product, this can also have a very positive effect on your SEO. Sharing the content is also beneficial, particularly if audiences themselves share it.

9. Allows complete control

Affiliate marketing allows every business to be in complete control of their marketing while outsourcing the promotional work to publishers. The business can set its own commission levels and incentives, and provides whatever creative it wants its publishers to use. Every business can choose which publishers they work with, and if they sign up inactive publishers, it will not impact on the bottom line. If a business not using affiliate marketing employs a staff member who does not produce the results required, this will be a costly mistake to the brand.

10. Easy integration with other marketing methods

Affiliate marketing for small businesses does not have to be a standalone marketing method. Instead, it can seamlessly work alongside other forms of marketing and can boost any promotion or campaign. When businesses are focusing on certain products and have a great offer, this can be sent to the publishers who can then aid the promotional efforts and raise the interest. 

Fabien Seguin – Under the leaves

Fabien Seguin,一名法国的自由摄影师,由于对中国的向往,于2006在武汉开始了他在中国的工作生活,目前任教于武汉大学,他还给自己取了个中文名字叫“范阳”。

Fabien Seguin一直没停过对摄影的热爱与追求,”Under the leaves” 就是目前正在进行的一个摄影项目,很欣赏他对这些平凡景物的态度与观察,也非常期待能看到这个系列的更多作品。

“Under the leaves, something is happening, something is growing that will not abate until they return there for good”


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手工摄影师Elspeth Diedrix

Elspeth Diedrix,1971年生于肯尼亚内罗毕,拥有绘画和雕塑专业背景的她在摄影的创作过程中,将三者诗意般地结合起来,她用手工处理得到了想要的特殊效果:光学幻觉、假象、色彩和形式的混合等效果。


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我们之前报道过的10 BEST 10全球十大先锋创意杂志摄影比赛最近已经过了首轮评选,由《新视线》杂志推选出了李伟作为中国区的代表进入第二轮比赛,接下来李伟在内的11位来自世界各地的年轻摄影师将拍摄由本国杂志布置的命题摄影。最终,WIN-Initiative将邀请世界权威摄影大师组成决赛评审团,从11位优胜摄影师当中评选出1位全球最具创意的未来摄影之星。

恭喜李伟!simple style将持续跟踪更多来自赛事的消息。




Orhan Pamuk在《伊斯坦布尔》中说道:“我出生的城市在她两千年的历史中从不曾如此贫穷、破败、孤立。她对我而言一直是个废墟之城,充满帝国斜阳的忧伤。我一生不是对抗这种忧伤,就是(跟每个伊斯坦布尔人一样)让她成为自己的忧伤。”

土耳其导演Nuri Bilge Ceylan同时也是位摄影师,这是他镜头下的伊斯坦布尔的冬天。


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