Shannon Rankin

How to choose a Rolex watch? Complete Guide to Rolex watches

How many Rolex Models are There? – 16 models

How to choose a Rolex watch model? Rolex has a total of 16 models, Rolex Datejust, Rolex Day-Date, Rolex Masterpiece, Rolex Oyster Perpetual, Rolex Air-King, Rolex Yacht-Master, Rolex Yachtmaster II, Rolex Explorer, Rolex Explorer II, Rolex Sea-Dweller, Rolex Submariner, Rolex GMT Master II, Rolex Cosmograph Daytona, Rolex Sky-Dweller, Rolex Milgauss, Rolex Cellini

Note: The above taxonomy is Rolex’s own. For our purposes, we’ve separated Yacht-Master and Yacht-Master II into two separate categories, as they’re very different watches, and did the same for Explorer and Explorer II models. We do not, however, differentiate between Datejust and Lady-Datejust, the way that Rolex does. Further, the Deepsea is a Sea-Dweller variant, and thus we include it within that particular model family. Learn more about rolex replica deals.

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How to choose a Rolex watch case

First, Rolex Watch case colors options, including Stainless Steel 2-Tone, and rose gold.

What is 2-Tone?

2-Tone (Also called two-tone) is the combination of gold and steel, and today, Rolex makes two different 2 tone variants. This is yellow gold and steel two tone, and rose gold and steel tone tone. Most commonly for a Rolex two-tone watch is that the case is made in stainless steel.

How to Choose a Rolex watch dial

Rolex Datejust / Day-date dials available in Roman markers, Arabic markers, Diamond markers,  bar / stick markers, super Lume markers and other markers. Those dials are normally for Rolex Oyster Perpetual models.

Rolex Datejust watch dial options

How to Choose a Rolex watch bezel Guide

Rolex Datejust / Day-Date / Oyster Perpetual bezel is available in a fluted bezel, smooth bezel, round bezel, and diamond bezel.  Also available with ceramic bezels for Submariner, Deepsea, and Daytona.

How to Choose a Rolex watch band? Hollow end links vs solid end links

OLD STYLE: Oyster watch band, Jubilee watch band, president watch band, Submariner watch all old models. Why do we call it old style? Because those watch bands have hollow end links, Hollow end links have their charm on a vintage watch, With hollow end links providing a lighter fit on the wrist and solid end links providing a heftier fit.

Rolex Jubilee watch band generation, Old model vs new model vs the newest style

NEW Rolex watch bands Oyster watch band, Jubilee watch band, president watch band, Submariner watchband, and Deepsea watch bracelet.  New style Rolex watch bands with solid end links. solid end links are terrific (top). Sturdy, quiet, tightly aligned, an elegant solution. Certainly more befitting a luxury timepiece.

One reason Rolex went to solid links vs. hollow links on their bracelets is the issue with bracelets stretching. The pin that held each link together would bend over time as the watch moved around and up and down on your wrist. The solid links have the pin drilled into the solid stock so the stretching issue won’t happen.

Both the older hollow end links and the newer solid end links have their strengths and weaknesses. On the one hand, you can easily adjust folded end links to make them fit your case better when they start to rattle, by readjusting them. With a solid end link, if it’s too tight, you need to file it down. On the other hand, hollow end links are liable to deform over time. In the best circumstances, there will be a little slop, and you’ll hear some rattle. But in the worst case, your bracelet could fall out. Solid end links provide top quality performance, they fit more snugly, and they don’t rattle. They can also last as long as the rest of your watch, without getting slowly bent out of place.

Michael Ostermann

Michael Ostermann是一位数码艺术插画师,目前居住在维也纳。他喜欢通过前期摄影与后期创作来完成作品,作品带有些黑暗、另类的时尚感。


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Are you a new runner? Have you decided to start running to improve your fitness? Before lacing up your shoes, check out these 8 extremely useful running tips for beginners from running expert Sascha Wingenfeld.


Are you super-excited to start your running training? As a new runner, you shouldn’t plan on running the entire distance in one go. “Break it down into intervals and try to keep them short at the beginning. Don’t be ashamed to walk between the intervals so you can recover a little,” recommends Sascha Wingenfeld. After some time, you can start lengthening the running sections and reducing the walking: begin by alternating between 2 minutes of jogging and 2 minutes of walking. Increase your running intervals by one minute per workout until you can run the entire distance at a stretch without having to walk.

Expert tip:

Run the first few sessions naturally and without any expectations. Otherwise, you’re likely to lose your motivation. Read more about at


Your body has to get used to the new stresses and strains of running. Many beginner runners start out jogging too fast and pay the price for this mistake within just a few minutes. Frustration, overexertion, pain or even injuries are just some of the consequences. Therefore, start running at a moderate pace (i.e. where you can easily hold a conversation). “Even when you feel like cutting loose, you should maintain the same pace for the entire distance. Only those who give their body time to gradually get used to the new demands will have long-term success.”

three people stretching at the beach


Your first run went well and you want to head out again right away? Great! 🙂
But you should wait a day before attempting the next workout: your body needs to rest so it can recover from the first running session. “It must adapt to the new demands on the cardiovascular system and prepare your muscles and bones for the next run,” says Sascha. Schedule your training so you run one day and rest the next. This simple training plan can help beginner runners achieve the greatest training effect and avoid overuse injuries.


Running is a technically challenging sport. Many beginners don’t have the proper technique and make jogging harder than it has to be by wasting a lot of energy. Your body develops the coordination necessary to perform the complex sequence of movements with every kilometer or mile that you run. “Try to run relaxed and in good form. Short, easy steps are more effective than long, powerful strides that act as a brake, slowing your forward momentum with every footfall.”

choose to move banner


Many running beginners wonder what kind of surface they should be running on. “That depends on the particular workout.” As is often the case, a mix of different surfaces is the right choice:

  • Running on asphalt pavement is ideal for fast running – there is very little danger of turning your ankle. “However, it’s hard on your joints because the pavement does not cushion your steps,” explains Sascha Wingenfeld. “Therefore, running on this surface is only for very light runners with good form.”
  • A forest or park floor is soft and provides excellent cushioning. However, the risk of injury increases due to roots, rocks and bumps.
  • sandy surface trains your muscles and makes you lift your feet. But be careful because it’s easy to overwork your calf muscles.
  • Tartan (an all-weather synthetic track surface) is springy. One drawback: it puts a lot of stress on your Achilles tendon.
  • The treadmill allows you to train year round with good cushioning. “However, this type of running training requires you to alter your form because the belt moves beneath your feet.”

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How to choose a Rolex watch? Complete Guide to Rolex watches

How many Rolex Models are There? – 16 models

How to choose a Rolex watch model? Rolex has a total of 16 models, Rolex Datejust, Rolex Day-Date, Rolex Masterpiece, Rolex Oyster Perpetual, Rolex Air-King, Rolex Yacht-Master, Rolex Yachtmaster II, Rolex Explorer, Rolex Explorer II, Rolex Sea-Dweller, Rolex Submariner, Rolex GMT Master II, Rolex Cosmograph Daytona, Rolex Sky-Dweller, Rolex Milgauss, Rolex Cellini

Note: The above taxonomy is Rolex’s own. For our purposes, we’ve separated Yacht-Master and Yacht-Master II into two separate categories, as they’re very different watches, and did the same for Explorer and Explorer II models. We do not, however, differentiate between Datejust and Lady-Datejust, the way that Rolex does. Further, the Deepsea is a Sea-Dweller variant, and thus we include it within that particular model family.

Rolex guide, rolex buying guide, rolex price guide, rolex size guide

How to choose a Rolex watch case

First, Rolex Watch case colors options, including Stainless Steel 2-Tone, and rose gold.

What is 2-Tone?

2-Tone (Also called two-tone) is the combination of gold and steel, and today, Rolex makes two different 2 tone variants. This is yellow gold and steel two tone, and rose gold and steel tone tone. Most commonly for a Rolex two-tone watch is that the case is made in stainless steel.

How to Choose a Rolex watch dial

Rolex Datejust / Day-date dials available in Roman markers, Arabic markers, Diamond markers,  bar / stick markers, super Lume markers and other markers. Those dials are normally for Rolex Oyster Perpetual models. Check these replica rolex.

Rolex Datejust watch dial options

How to Choose a Rolex watch bezel Guide

Rolex Datejust / Day-Date / Oyster Perpetual bezel is available in a fluted bezel, smooth bezel, round bezel, and diamond bezel.  Also available with ceramic bezels for Submariner, Deepsea, and Daytona.

How to Choose a Rolex watch band? Hollow end links vs solid end links

OLD STYLE: Oyster watch band, Jubilee watch band, president watch band, Submariner watch all old models. Why do we call it old style? Because those watch bands have hollow end links, Hollow end links have their charm on a vintage watch, With hollow end links providing a lighter fit on the wrist and solid end links providing a heftier fit.

Rolex Jubilee watch band generation, Old model vs new model vs the newest style

NEW Rolex watch bands Oyster watch band, Jubilee watch band, president watch band, Submariner watchband, and Deepsea watch bracelet.  New style Rolex watch bands with solid end links. solid end links are terrific (top). Sturdy, quiet, tightly aligned, an elegant solution. Certainly more befitting a luxury timepiece.

One reason Rolex went to solid links vs. hollow links on their bracelets is the issue with bracelets stretching. The pin that held each link together would bend over time as the watch moved around and up and down on your wrist. The solid links have the pin drilled into the solid stock so the stretching issue won’t happen.

Both the older hollow end links and the newer solid end links have their strengths and weaknesses. On the one hand, you can easily adjust folded end links to make them fit your case better when they start to rattle, by readjusting them. With a solid end link, if it’s too tight, you need to file it down. On the other hand, hollow end links are liable to deform over time. In the best circumstances, there will be a little slop, and you’ll hear some rattle. But in the worst case, your bracelet could fall out. Solid end links provide top quality performance, they fit more snugly, and they don’t rattle. They can also last as long as the rest of your watch, without getting slowly bent out of place.《玩生活》第三期出刊

厦门独立生活品牌nothing.cn的《玩生活》于近日正式出刊。这已经是品牌创始人董攀用Play,Low的心情制作出来的第三本一个人的杂志。用一年一本的步调来记录一个生活品牌的成长,用玩生活的态度享受个人创作的乐趣,life is nothing,喊出来念的时候人会更快乐。我们邀请到董攀来说说制作这期杂志的一些有意思的事儿:


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