磯田三雄 Mitsuo Isoda

磯田三雄 Mitsuo Isoda磯田三雄,日本插画师。



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为纪念今年日本民艺馆开馆75周年,特别举办日本民艺馆名品展,将展出以馆藏陶瓷器、染织品、木漆品、绘画等民艺品为主,及柳宗悦著作原稿、照片资料等共500件。作为主会场的大展示室,将重点展示Bernard Leach、富本憲吉、濱田庄司、河井寛次郎、芹沢銈介、棟方志功等人约100件代表作。



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永山裕子 Yuko Nagayama

永山裕子 Yuko Nagayama目前在日本水彩迷中拥有颇高人气的水彩画家永山裕子,11月18日~11月24日在港区北青山和涩谷区举办她今年内的最后个展,展示其最新画作。另外,一部名为《永山流 水彩画法》的影片也于10月上映,该片分为3部,由永山亲自示范玫瑰、水果与紫阳花、人偶与百合的画法。



饭岛奈美(Iijima Nami) 的厨房


如果列出饭岛奈美曾参与的电影电视的清单,大概会有原来如此的感想。其中最引人注目的则是她与电影导演荻上直子在《海鸥食堂》、《眼镜》,包括其最新作品《洗手间》等片的合作,她的料理已经成为荻上式独特电影风格不可或缺的组成部分。 她在『ほぼ日刊イトイ新聞』网站推出的家常菜系列,每道菜配有详细图片的步骤说明,令你不仅吃到眼睛冰淇淋,更可以在厨房中一展身手,贴心的是就连使用的厨房工具都附录介绍了。(注:图片选自饭岛奈美以《海鸥食堂》与《眼镜》为主题的美味专题,图中人物为影片主演小林聪美,未免误认特此标注。饭岛先生本人在这里!)


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7 Easy Ways To Cultivate Workout Habit

Benita wakes up every morning with a wish she could workout. But her hand often grabs her phone every time she wakes up instead of a skipping rope.

Procrastination has become her daily decision when it comes to routine workout.

As she scrolls through her social network timeline, her time for workout diminishes.

Often, a deluge of contents awaits her consumption. From friends and then from the social network, which is smart in suggesting contents that will keep her on the app. Check out the latest amarose reviews.

Her workout time fades away like the stars of the morning, as her other routines begin to take over.

Unfortunately, she has not followed any fitness platform just so she could get daily loads of contents on workouts.

This decision to follow a fitness platform would have served as a reminder, but her mind has not caught it.

Gradually, as she sustains a more sedentary life, she begins to lose strength. Her heart makes demand for servicing every morning, but she keeps ignoring the call.

Erroneously, she often assumes that exercise is for weight loss. Until she was told she had excess cholesterol in her blood.

Really, many people think that workout is for weight loss. They do not know it is actually for the heart to function better.

Sadly, there are many persons in Benita’s situation, finding it hard to add a daily workout session to their routine. Try out protetox.

If that is you, we want you to know that it is easy to cultivate a workout habit. In fact, it is easier than you think.

This simple tweak to how you go about the desire to workout will change everything for you.

1.     Chose An Appropriate Time

Timing is key in cultivating workout habit. From experience, we have found that exercising in the morning is easier than doing it in the evening.

Fact is, in the evening, you are usually tired and not so motivated to engage in any other activity.

Another fact is that once you miss the evening workout time, your bed is calling and then it is gone for the day.

But exercising in the morning offers you an opportunity to start off with the energy and zeal that you need.

It helps you fire up your body and get it ready for the day’s activities.

Also, decide on the number of days to workout each week and focus on meeting the appointments.

2.      Build The Will-Power

One thing you need to be able to cultivate a workout habit is will-power. Sometimes, it is not easy to form this will-power without a motivating factor.

This makes it necessary that you begin with changing your phone habit in the early hours of the morning.

We recommend that you find fitness coaches and follow them. Ensure they are people who inculcate simple exercises that a beginner can routinely follow without breaking down.

Simple things like picking up your phone after prayer and jumping on a fitness page could be a huge motivating factor. This is how prodentim works.

“People do what people see.” 

Avoid the habit of scrolling through social networks. Just search for the fitness page and jump on it.

3.      Keep Your Kits Ready

One of the discouraging factors is not having your kits ready for the workout. Before you go to bed at night, find the kits and make them ready for you to just slide in and begin.

Seeing them ready in the morning when you wake up motivates you to exercise.

To meet up with this, get different kits that you could wear each day. Just in case you could not wash the one used previously, you have a new one to wear.

4.      Focus On Creating A Habit, Not The Result

Really, it will be a mistake to begin to look at the result that you are getting as you begin your workout routine.

Indeed, we are not saying that measuring progress is not good. Let the measurement be on how many times you have carried out the workout as scheduled for the week.

Sadly, people who want to lose weight often expect to see results in the first few days. But that is not how it works.

The result will come. It will come after you have diligently sustained the workout routine.

5.     Begin With Simple Workouts

You need your muscles to sustain the habit that you are trying to cultivate. For this reason, you will have to begin your routine with light exercises that will not make your muscles weak.

With a weak muscle, you will not be able to exercise for some days and that is a reversal of what you are trying to build.

Light exercises like walking on the spot,  twisting your waist, punching the air and other mild workouts you can think of can help you stay committed while you form the habit.

As you progress, you will begin to add other forms of exercises that will help generate the result you desire.

Sometimes you may not even sweat, but one thing is sure, you are telling your mind there is time for exercise.

6.      Consistently Remind Yourself Of Your Desire

Do you notice how often you wake up at night when you have to catch an early flight or bus?

This is because you have consistently reminded yourself that you are travelling the previous day.

Your subconscious mind has carried on with it and keeps reminding you of what you kept telling it the previous evening.

People Also Love Reading: Simple Exercises That Can Improve Your Sexual Health

Same thing happens when you engage affirmations in the formation of habits.

Really, as you remind yourself that you will exercise in the morning, your conscious mind gets to work and begins to register it in your subconscious mind.

You will wake up with the burden of exercising and until you do it, your mind will keep probing you.

7.      Don’t Skip A Day

Finally, there is just one thing that you must do to build this desired habit. Remain consistent.

Ensure that you will not skip a day. Skipping a day reverses the effect the diligence you had applied had created.

This is the reason we recommend that you begin with simple exercises that will not make you feel pains.

Go in this mind and begin to cultivate your desired workout routine.

Kindly share with your friends and loved ones to help them say healthy always. We Love you. 






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Kyoto Photo

He records the scenery, customs and customs of Kyoto, Japan, mainly temples, shrines, and courtyards, as well as annual festivals, restaurants, cafes, etc. His portraits may not belong to the kind of art photography that is usually defined, but they allow viewers to feel the smell and temperature of the scene. Those scenery are simply breathtaking. Then, after following him to enjoy the scenery, have a vegetable tempura Pairing it with soba noodles or matcha with snacks is the most satisfying thing.

Going out to the mountains to take portraits with your kids not only allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature together but also provides an opportunity for quality time and bonding. To make the experience even more special, surprising them with classic childrens clothes can add a touch of elegance and charm to the portraits. Dressing them up in these outfits will make them look and feel good, creating memorable photographs that captures their unique personalities and the joy of the moment.

This blog is mainly based on pictures, and short Japanese text can be used as picture descriptions for online translation.


中村佑介 Yusuke Nakamura

中村佑介 Yusuke Nakamura 中村佑介,日本插画家、音乐人、漫画家。1978年生于日本兵库县宝塚市,毕业于大阪艺术大学艺术学部设计系,现居大阪。

作品经常以身穿水手服的少女与动物为主题,其带有怀旧意味同时色彩斑斓的风格深受欢迎,广泛应用于CD、DVD、图书、游戏、电视漫画等领域,比如乐队ASIAN KUNG-FU GENERATION的全部CD,作家赤川次郎、石田衣良等人作品的封面。



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Monocle In Hong Kong

Monocle In Hong Kong著名杂志Monocle实体店的最新店址落脚香港湾仔星街,7月21日起正式开业。这是全球第4家Monocle店,其余3家位于伦敦、洛杉矶、东京。

Monocle店售卖经过精心挑选的设计合作品牌,包括Porter、Comme des Garçons、 Gitman、 Hackett、Ettinger、Orlebar Brown,涉及家具、服装、旅行用品、文具、饰品、音乐与图书等领域。同时销售由Monocle伦敦创意团队设计的限量产品,包括海报、明信片、CD,以及他们的最新报纸“Monocle地中海”。



Orhan Pamuk在《伊斯坦布尔》中说道:“我出生的城市在她两千年的历史中从不曾如此贫穷、破败、孤立。她对我而言一直是个废墟之城,充满帝国斜阳的忧伤。我一生不是对抗这种忧伤,就是(跟每个伊斯坦布尔人一样)让她成为自己的忧伤。”

土耳其导演Nuri Bilge Ceylan同时也是位摄影师,这是他镜头下的伊斯坦布尔的冬天。


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Irma Gruenholz

Irma Gruenholz西班牙女插画家Irma Gruenholz的粘土作品,或充满梦幻色彩,或温馨明丽,但都细腻抒情。在取材上,她善于将粘土与不同材料结合,她将作品拍成高清度图片,用于图书、杂志、广告等项目。


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北野武巴黎艺术展最近,日本电影人北野武(Beat Takeshi Kitano)一场以绘画为主的艺术展在巴黎卡地亚基金会开幕,展期从2010年3月11日开始,至9月12日结束。



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Ibraheem Youssef

Ibraheem Youssef,平面设计师、插画师。2006年毕业于安大略学院的艺术与设计专业,现居多伦多。

Ibraheem Youssef喜欢色彩、纸张和设计,也喜欢烹饪、乒乓球和散步。他在每年年底给自己欣赏和尊敬的人们寄信,而他为2009年所设计的“致谢卡”,从设计的概念,到细节处的字体,信封所采用的花纹都颇见用心。

他为Quentin Tarantino和Wes Anderson的影片各自设计了不同款的海报,与如今普遍程式化的电影海报相比,不由令人眼前一亮。如果心动了,你也可以在他的主页上直接购买。


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Eric Chase Anderson

EricChaseAndersonEric Chase Anderson,现居纽约,美国作家及插画师,电影人Wes Anderson的弟弟。他的作品曾出现在《时代》、《纽约观察家》等杂志,2004年出版第1本小说Chuck Dugan Is AWOL。

他为Wes Anderson三部影片包括《青春少年》、《天才一族》、《海海人生》Criterion Collection版本设计了封套,兄弟俩的最近一次合作是,他为《非凡的狐狸爸爸》一片中天才的Kristofferson配音。


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