Hollow: 微观宇宙

Between year 1990 to 2005, the global forest was shrinking at a rate of 13 million hectares per year (Greenfacts,2005). Ten years later, the earth is much crowded while the forest is scarcer. Maybe in the next 100 years, human will be on the journey to collonise another planet.



苏格兰艺术家 Katie Paterson 花了三年时间,寻求世界各个角落已经灭绝和尚未灭绝的1万个树木样本。每一块树木都有独特的色彩与纹路,单单陈列就已经足够震撼。而经过建筑师 Zeller & Moye 的巧妙设计,1万个树木样本组成为了“Hollow”,一个反映万物本源的装置艺术。年代最久远的树木成为Hollow的基石,抬头望向酷似宇宙的苍顶,尽头处皆为稀缺与濒临灭绝的树种。
Scottish artist Katie Paterson has spent three years searching tree species around the world. She collected 10,000 tree species that are either extinct or still alive. Each piece of tree has unique colour and pattern. A simple display of the collection would be amazingly impressive. Through collaborations with architects Zeller & Moye, these 10,000 samples of tree species have been transformed into Hollow, an artwork that reflects the shared origin between universe and tree. The most ancient trees become the foundation of Hollow; at the pinnacle of the structure lies the extinct and scarce trees.

Hollow 坐落于英国布里斯托尔大学校内,将永久免费对公众开放参观 (组团去打坐了喂)。
Hollow is located at the University of Bristol and will be free for public to visit (perfect space for group meditation).

布里斯托尔大学同时与多家机构合作,邀请大家上传与树木有关的回忆、声音、图像资料,打造一个永久性的树木银行Tree Bank
Meanwhile the University of Bristol is running a project the Tree Bank with other organizations. It invites everyone to upload sounds, photos and memories about trees and aims to set up a permanent tree bank.



  1. Aaa comments:

    英文里说的是 1,ooo 个,不是十万啊

  2. Philo comments:


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