Maurizio Cattelan × Linda Evangelista

fass_cattelan_01_hMaurizio Cattelan是一位没有接受过专业学院教育的艺术大师,他在成为艺术家以前曾做过厨师、园丁、护士、木匠,甚至负责太平间尸体看护的丧葬员。成为艺术家之后,他以超现实主义的雕塑和行为艺术闻名。著名作品包括“被砸死的教皇保罗二世”和“下跪的希特勒”等(均为俗称)。2009年11月,时尚杂志《W》邀请他与名模Linda Evangelista合作,Maurizio以Evangelista为媒材为《W》创作了一组带有政治和宗教意味的时装大片。


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Cameras used相机: MamiyaRZ67.KIEV60
(for you)Photography is摄影是:摄影印证着自己所发生的一切.

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Name姓名:林舒 (memo)
Cameras used相机: MAMIYA RB67,CANON G7,NIKON D700
(for you)Photography is 摄影是:现在的想法是大概比较接近狩猎,目的性和实用性很强,但是由于它看起来和绘画以及视觉的关系密切,所以摄影是一件很费事的事儿。

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Walker Evans

5 essential health supplements you may need

With so many supplements advertised how can you know which ones are really worth it? There’s no definitive list of essential health supplements. We should aim to get our nutrients from food but sometimes we come up short. Because everyone’s diet varies our vitamin and mineral needs vary too. These five supplements are essential to our health and we may be lacking them through diet alone.

1. Vitamin D

Ideally you’d get all your vitamin D from the sun. However you need to protect your skin and when you wear sunscreen you’re blocking vitamins along with the harmful rays. It’s also harder to get enough sun exposure in the winter when days are shorter. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to a range of health conditions while long-term use of vitamin D supplements has been shown to reduce mortality according to a study published on PLOSOne. Try out the best vitamin patches.

Calcium and vitamin D work together to help build strong bones so consume enough calcium-rich foods throughout the day.

2. Fish oil

Omega-3 fatty acids — that super-healthy component found in fish — may not protect from heart attacks as once thought according to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. It’s one of the most popular health supplements on the market and could lower triglyceride levels. However it’s best to talk to your doctor about what’s right for you. If you can’t stand to eat fish you may benefit from the supplement but there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.cup of health supplements

3. B vitamins

Getting enough of all eight B vitamins is essential to your body’s overall health explained Medline. Many people are able to get these vitamins through food. However some people such as vegans or vegetarians may struggle to get vitamins primarily found in animal foods such as B12. Many B-complex vitamins are available and multivitamins contain these. It’s best to find out first if you have a deficiency. Your doctor can evaluate symptoms — fatigue or weakness is common — and perform a blood test to know for certain.

4. Probiotics

A growing body of research supports the benefits of a positive balance of gut bacteria to your overall health. This good bacteria has been found to help with intestinal troubles and some infections according to Harvard Medical School. Yogurt is a popular source of probiotics but you may want to try a supplement if you’re not getting enough from your diet.

5. Magnesium

Many Americans consume less than the recommended amounts of magnesium through diet alone. However having symptoms or a true deficiency is uncommon. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) warned that consistently getting lower amounts of the mineral can boost your risk of illnesses such as heart disease diabetes osteoporosis and migraines.

It’s best to talk with your doctor before running out and buying any supplements or starting on a multivitamin. There’s little oversight from the Food and Drug Administration for any herbal supplement making it difficult to evaluate whether the claims are true. Harvard Health explained that people are commonly deficient in potassium magnesium calcium and vitamins A D and C. However if you’re not deficient you can get too much of a good thing. There are some negative effects from too much of some vitamins including A E and folic acid according to Harvard Medical School.

The NIH recommended that multivitamins may be best for people with certain health conditions pregnant women and people with poor diets. If you have a generally healthy diet look for specific supplements that you’re not getting through whole food. Always read labels to see whether a vitamin would put you over the recommended daily limit for any nutrients. Blood tests can confirm whether you have any true deficiencies that warrant taking essential health supplements.

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heart umbrella这把伞适合浪漫人士使用,嗯… 甜蜜的恋人也可以用来升温爱情。在寒流雪雨的这个冬天,相信这把心形伞能给途人带来温暖、喜悦的感觉。via


欧嘉成 – Monday Works

karson01Name姓名:欧嘉成 (Karson Au)



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Mariano Brizzola

Mariano-Brizzola1Mariano Brizzola,来自阿根廷首都布宜诺斯艾利斯(Buenos Aires)。


摄影是什么:生活,健康,美丽,魔法,梦想,爱,和平,回忆,神秘。(via: ilovethatphoto)


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Zine «3»

3publication1«3» 是一份由摄影师 Kaj Lehmann,Tania Leshkina和Nicholas Haggard三人一起合作出版的多人独立志(multi-zine) ,20页的这本小刊物分别由三位摄影师分属三个阶段,用影像讲述了一个内心觉醒的故事。


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“我们希望建立一个「只求质素,不问出处」,同时又具备延续性的平台(podium)供艺术家一展所长,《月台 platform》就在这样的背景下筑成。每期《月台》均会邀请来自不同职业、界别、地区的艺术创作人为进行文字、图象、评论等,更希望每期都有crossover合作,让创作人可以在《月台》试行他们的理念,进行跨媒体创作。”


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Bookcover Achive




IdN: The Colour Issue

v16n6_Cover+DVD_image香港插画和设计杂志《IdN》的最新一期主题是色彩,选取的插画师与设计师包括James Joyce、MWM GraphicsNepomukTomi and CherryNeasden Control CentreHouseOfBurvoKustaa Saksi Dan McPharlinTomer HanukaNocturn。我喜欢色彩,但却一向反感国内的一些技法“华丽”的插画。而这些同样色彩绚丽的作品,看了以后却让人心潮澎湃。到底是哪里不一样呢?IdN可以在线阅读,点这里先去解解馋吧,觉得好再去书店买下。


100 Interviews!

oscar1I Love That Photo是我们网站的好朋友及项目合作伙伴,很高兴听到Saskia宣布,到目前为止,ILOVETHATPHOTO累积共采访了100位来自世界各地的风格多样的摄影师!

100,I love that number!   Congratulations Saskia! (image from: Oscar)



Name姓名:郑耀华 (zeyez)
Cameras used相机:曾经用得比较多的是Ricoh GR1v和Bronica RF645,近来主要用Tachihara 4×5。
(for you)Photography is摄影是:现在能做,而且很喜欢做的事情。但是花销和行动不能影响家庭的柴米油盐和日常生活。

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