厦门Thank you, Cotton&Dave

thank-you-dave-and-cottonLife is a PLAY. This slogan is particularly spoken loud by this couple based in the city of Xiamen in China, companioning with Lida, a girl doggie.  They have a little store by the name of Thank you, selling those selected products like moleskine notebooks, papier, postcards, magazines,and a series of designed works from Nothing.cn,or anything they think deserves to recommend to us. Time passes by, now after one year’s launch, they are considering to extend the little store to a little bit larger. The new store is under construction at this moment. Simple Style is so proud of them.Bravo! guys!



  1. 苏菲 comments:

    200 posts till today!
    cheer up,wermar…

  2. weimar comments:

    cheer up, cheer up, grow up, grow up…

  3. GarykPatton comments:

    Hi! I like your srticle and I would like very much to read some more information on this issue. Will you post some more?

  4. 苏菲 comments:

    Thanks Garyk:)
    I promise I will.

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