After The Party | Olga Tzimou

“After The Party”系列摄影作品来自Olga Tzimou

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2017 iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS)

IPPAWARDS官网公布第十届 IPPA(iPhone Photography Awards)评选结果,今年年度摄影师为美国纽约的 Sebastian Tomada ,第一、二、三名则分别为爱尔兰的 Brenda O、新加坡的 Yeow-Kwang Yeo 和中国深圳的 Kuanglong Zhang。

年度大奖:Sebastian Tomada (美国纽约)
《Qayyarah的小孩》/iPhone 6s

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Cinematic Tokyo

摄影系列作品Cinematic Tokyo由荷兰摄影师和电影摄影指导Stijn Hoekstra创作。

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end of love | Michał Narożny – Herbs and Spices Can Be Extremely Helpful When You’re Trying to Lose Weight—

Let’s face it: The way you prepare and season your food is just as important as the food itself. For example, deep frying your chicken in canola oil is much worse than baking or grilling your chicken. Or let’s say you air pop your popcorn, but then put a ton of butter and salt on it—this is not helpful when it comes to weight loss. Check out the latest metaboost connection reviews.

So, what seasonings can help you lose weight? As it turns out, herbs can curb cravings and support your weight loss efforts. And while herbs may not be a cure-all (diet, exercise and lifestyle are contributing factors), they can certainly help you on your weight loss journey.

Benefits of herbs for weight loss

Herbs provide several different benefits. Here are a few of them.

Herbs support digestion

Herbs aid in the body’s metabolism process. Try out prodentim.

“Herbs help your body to digest the food you’ve consumed, converting macronutrients like protein into micro-nutrients like amino acids,” says Haylie Pomroy, a top Hollywood nutritionist and founder of the Haylie Pomroy Group. “Micro-nutrients are what make the metabolism work!”

Related: Looking to Give Your Metabolism a Boost? Look No Further Than These 20 Foods

Herbs promote hormonal health

Hormones play a major role in terms of weight management.

“Herbs have a lot of phytonutrients in them, which have an enzyme effect—enzymes help you break down food too, but also help hormones reach hormone receptor sites in the body (e.g. insulin, testosterone, estrogen, etc.),” Pomroy explains. “Herbs can really help these get metabolized more effectively.” These are the best protetox reviews.

Herbs reduce inflammation

The phytonutrients also reduce inflammation and have a targeted effect on the outer fibrous layer of fat cells, Pomroy says.

Best herbs for weight loss

Here are some of the best herbs for weight loss:

1. Turmeric 

As an anti-inflammatory herb, turmeric can help eliminate excess body fat. “When your body is in an inflamed state, it promotes insulin resistance, which can keep stubborn fat on the body,” Pomroy explains. “Turmeric increases blood flow, and as we know, fat cells have very poor blood flow. It takes nutrients to break down the fat cells, and turmeric helps the nutrients get to them through this increased flow.”

2. Rutin 

This herb is excellent when it comes to absorbing nutrients.

“Rutin is a bioflavinoid that is anti-inflammatory, and this specifically reduces GI inflammation so individuals with food allergies or poor gut health can benefit. Plus, when it comes to weight loss, it’s not what you eat – it’s what you absorb – and rutin helps the body absorb micronutrients better than almost any herbal in my opinion,” Pomroy states.

3. Quercetin 

As a natural appetite suppressant, quercetin makes weight loss easier.

“It suppresses appetite not because it tricks the brain, but because it flattens the fat cells,” says Pomroy. “When fat cells are buoyant, they secrete a hormone that makes you crave sugar. When they’re flat, they don’t secrete that hormone. With weight loss specifically, the quicker you can shrink fat cells, the better.”

4. Lemon bioflavonoids 

These come from the pith or white part of grapefruit, orange, or lemon. They help to shift the Ph in the body – when you’re acidic, you gain weight, but when your Ph is stable, it’s much easier to lose weight, Pomroy explains.


5. Arugula 

A common addition to a salad or burger topping, arugula is a powerful and nutritious herb. “It helps the body produce a digestive enzyme that helps with carb metabolism,” Pomroy states. “This is particularly great for people who have a hard time losing weight when they eat carbs.”

Inner Self: 我们熟悉的自己

inner_self_04Inner Self是法国摄影师Anne-Sophie Guillet探索身份认同的一个拍摄项目。她希望通过拍摄独特的个体,展现多元另类的生活态度。

Inner Self is a photography project from French photographer Anne-Sophie Guillet, which seeks to explore the self identity of modern life.Through the shooting of unconventional individuals, Guillet hopes to demonstrate the diversified attitudes toward life.

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陳詠華: Fragile and Youth

Yuanghua Chen-01台湾女性摄影师,以拍摄女性肖像为主,平时喜欢写诗,看电影以及阅读。




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Invisible Theatre:发现隐秘的日常

上海是一个特别的城市,对于生活在其中的自由摄影师高银 Tim Gao有着特殊的意义。五年间, 他像浪客一般走遍上海的大街小巷,捕捉繁华都市之下的戏剧与声、色、味,创造出一个看不见的剧场。

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Stronger Shines the Light Inside: 漫漫自由路

01 RemonaStronger Shines the Light Inside是美国摄影师Angie Smith拍摄、记录难民的一个独立项目。

Stronger Shines the Light Inside,  is an independent project from American photographer Angie Smith, which taking photos and documenting refugees’ stories.

难民,在中文语境中是一个陌生的概念。新闻中的难民问题被描绘成难民潮,是欧洲国家的问题,事实上,中国收留了3万1047名难民(联合国,2013),2015年全球难民人数更是创下近20年最高记录:1510万(联合国,2015)。数字背后,是背井离乡,逃离战乱与迫害的人们。他们从哪里来?有着怎样的喜好和梦想?他们的故事是什么?摄影师Angie Smith就是想通过这个拍摄项目,展现这个独特群体的真实面貌,改变社会对难民的刻板印象。

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Lorena Lohr:捕捉时光的痕迹

01楼梯间、调味瓶、空椅子,还有辽阔的风景,在Lohr的镜头下,主角是像空气一样平常的静物, 它们与柔和的红白蓝色一起,构建了一个无人的静默舞台。

Lorena Lohr 是一名旅居美国的英国摄影师, 目前正在进行一个名为Ocean Sands 的拍摄项目。自2010年开始,她走遍美国,把镜头对准美国西南部、沙漠、墨西哥边境小镇。时光在这些地方静止,人们的生活在镜头以外继续。Lorena Lohr 最新自出版作品为 Desert Moon

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Voices of Photography 攝影之聲

《Voices of Photography 摄影之声》是一份摄影艺术独立刊物,2011年9月在台湾创刊。每期介绍当代摄影作品与摄影艺术家,借由访问艺术家、艺廊、策展人、出版人与相关艺术工作者,以及提供摄影专栏、摄影书评与摄影展览资讯的介绍,探索摄影艺术的创作概念、文化与思潮。


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school selfie – sun kai qiang

Sun Kai Qiang,“school selfie” 系列摄影作品记录学校生活一些场景,宁静柔和。淡白的光影,像梦里、记忆里稍微褪色发白的景象,里面的橘红色恰好地让人内心喜悦起来。 via


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游泳池 the pool – karine laval


摄影师为出生在巴黎,现生活在纽约的Karine Laval。via


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Jaejin Hwang

wonderland02以开放的心态拍摄日常,捕捉似梦非梦的生活瞬间。来自旅美的韩国摄影师,Jaejin Hwang。更多作品请见摄影师官网及Tumblr。


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roy1Margaux Roy的摄影风格像是只蘸取了色板上最温柔轻盈的颜色将现实涂染。将日光和线条如水波荡漾般向四周延伸出去。来自巴黎,更多作品见个人网站:


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Collin Avery

remain-calm-01Collin Avery,摄影师,1987年生,目前工作生活在洛杉矶。

图片选自“Remain Calm”系列。



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